The First Day of School – Part 2

My first day of third grade at a new school, far away from home, had gotten off to a horrible start. Several boys had immediately started picking on me insisting that the seat I had chosen was theirs.  When I refused to move, one had thrown all my books on the floor and yelled profanities in my face. We ended up getting disciplined in the principal’s office. Now we were back in class. The name of my school was David Vela and it was located at Colonia Centro America.

A similar classroom to the one that I was in.

For the rest of the day I received notes with threats from three kids telling me how they were going to teach me a lesson after school. I could not concentrate on my school work and even had a hard time telling the teacher my name.  Boy was I scared! How I missed my brother Armando who always would take care of me.

When the bell rang and it was time to go home. I saw the boys taking their places in yard to make sure I wouldn’t escape, then I had an idea. I went up to a teacher and asked him if I could plant some trees, and for a location I pointed to where the three boys were standing. Bingo! They got scared and quickly hid, thinking I was telling on them. As soon as they were out of sight, I ran and never heard the response from the teacher, he just stood there looking perplexed. Waiting at the bus stop I saw the bullies coming again. Knowing I had fooled them (or told on them) they were ready to skin me alive. I ran across the busy road, almost getting hit by a motorcycle, and got on a bus that was going in the opposite direction from home. I had escaped getting beat up, but now I was lost and would never make it home.

The bus was overflowing with people and I could hardly see out the windows because of the crowd. I began to get really scared and started to cry. Hard as I tried, I couldn’t keep the tears from pouring out. A man sitting next to me took notice and asked if he could help me. After a few minutes I was able to gather myself together and I told him about my predicament. “I took the bus in the wrong direction and I only have money for one bus ride.” Putting his hand on my shoulder, he smiled and told me how the same bus would go back in the opposite direction and take me back home. When he got off, he said he would pray for me. I thanked him with all my heart.

The bus passed by the school again and I was relieved to know I was going in the right direction. However, just then, it began to rain so hard that the bus had to stop. When it started again, the windows were so fogged up that you couldn’t see anything outside through the glass. I agonized thinking I would miss my stop, again and again prayed the Lord’s prayer. “Our Father who art in heaven…” hoping God would help me out. He did! Somehow, I recognized an avocado tree by the side of the road, where my brother Armando and I played often, and rang the bell for the bus to stop so I could get off. I was back! I was back! The rain had not let down yet. So under the pouring rain, covering my head with my book bag I ran all the way home. It was after 7:30pm when I came around the corner and as I approached the house, I saw the silhouette of my dear mom. Worried, she was watching and waiting for me. She ran to meet me and I buried my face in her chest and lost it. Crying, I told her how much I loved her, she cried too and as she hugged and kissed me, she brought me into the house and gave me something to eat. Yes, go ahead you can cry too. I am crying.

Love you mom.