Songs of the Day

“ De hoy en Ocho”  = “A week from now”  ( Eight days from now)

This song was a big hit and was playing in every radio station while I was going through my childhood struggles of “First day of School” “finding strength” and “New beginning”

Listening to this song brings back so many memories and feelings about that year, some sad but also some very fond ones.

When I started going to my new school I met many new nice kids. Among the kids I met was a  very nice kid who loved singing, he was a very handsome black kid who was older than most of us about, 14 years old. His voice was already deep and beautiful. I used to love watching him sing this song and wished I could sing it like him, my voice was that of a nine year old. I especially liked when he would sing the part that says , “oooooh vivo solo” he would throw his head back, pucker his lips, close his eyes and sing with so much feeling! 

I can still see his face in my mind and makes me smile.

Now so many years later I still sing it and love it.

Here is a little recording I did of it