My Family (Part 1) – It’s A Boy!

My first professional portrait for my high school ID at age 12 circa 1970.

I was born in Guatemala City in September of 1958. My parents, Tonita and Fernando were not rich or super poor. My father, a husky man who was brought up as a farmer in his native town San Miguel Petapa, worked as a traveling salesman through all of Guatemala and central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama). In his spare time, he played for “Chapinlandia” a professional marimba band. He was very strong and handsome. Looking at him always made me feel safe. He was very Affectionate and quick to kiss and play with his kids. He also had a good sense of humor. I thought nothing could hurt me as long as he was around. His boss was Don Daniel, a gentleman that originally came from Spain and had a clothing business. He was also married to my rich aunt Marta.

My mom was the best mom in the world. A young pretty lady with a gorgeous head of raven black hair that hung behind her in a thick ponytail or braid that danced with every step she took. She worked part-time doing house keeping chores for a variety of people, among them a Cuban lady whom I never met. All I remember about her is that she always sent something home for us kids to eat!