Dance With Me

It was late afternoon in Guatemala City. I was five, going on six years old. My little brother Jorge was taking a nap. I walked towards the kitchen where I could hear my mom cooking dinner. I could smell  beans, the sweet bread, and the coffee brewing.          

Our neighbor was next door playing his radio and singing loudly. Normally I would enjoy listening, but this time I was annoyed. I could only think of my little brother sleeping, and I didn’t want him to wake up. I wished the neighbor would turn his music down! The bass was making our tin roof rattle which I thought was annoying. But then it happened…

The song came on! The rhythm was so beautiful and the melody so sweet. The mandolin sounded so melancholic and romantic that I was instantly captivated by the sound. My frustration vanished. As I entered the little dinning room, I closed my eyes, threw my head back and began to dance while feeling the music go right through me. The song was in English and I didn’t understand the words but I was entranced. The mandolin had a sweet playful sound that gently fluttered over the melody.

After about a minute I opened my eyes— and froze! There stood my mom, watching me from the doorway with a smile on her face. I was so embarrassed! I didn’t know what to do as I stood there looking at the floor. My mom walked toward me, and with her beautiful kind smile said “Dance with me?” I was still hesitant as she took my hand and she gently pulled me toward her. We began to dance.

While the song played I buried my face in her belly and danced with her while tears filled my eyes. It was like time had stood still as the song kept playing…… I don’t remember what happened next. All I know is that it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Many many years later, I was a rugged strong man, working as a construction contractor in Pennsylvania. I was trouble shooting a project and trying to think but the loud music at the job site was becoming annoying. Just then the song came on! I had not heard it in so many years. I froze, my mind went back to that magical moment. I closed my eyes and could see her beautiful young smile again and I remembered the smell of her apron when we danced so long ago. My eyes filled with tears as I walked to my truck to take a moment and savor the memories and allow myself to miss my mom who has now gone to heaven.

Now I understand the lyrics of the song and play it on my old faithful guitar, sometimes as I sip a glass of wine, I can’t help but to throw my head back, close my eyes, dance, relive the magic moment, and think of my first love.

The song? “A steel guitar and a glass of wine “🍷 by Paul Anka.